5 Key Components Influencing App’s Visibility on App Stores

There are ample of apps in the market that failed to provide expected returns to the owners post their launch in the market. What are the main factors that were missed out in the development and launch of the app which leads to its failure? If the flaws in the app were not about its user interface or UX elements, which are the probable causes of people abandoning an app, then it might be about its visibility in the apps store. GetAProgrammer, a known company for Android and iOS app development in Australia, brings into limelight the real reason of an app’s failed attempt in the market.

Most of us do not ponder about the visibility of app in the stores when there are millions of them. The real problem is overlooked! If an app is not exposed to users in the app store, how they will download it. Thus, key cause is the subdued visibility of the app in the stores resulting in lower downloads. However, there are strategies or best practices as well to deal with that.

Get conscious about name and icon

As the name and icon are the first things noticed by users, more precision should be there in naming an app and shaping up the icon.  Moreover, both of it relates to the company’s purpose and nature of the business. So, deciding a distinctive name and a beckoning icon is needed for making the app catchy to the eyes of the users, but also should be devised as per the store’s norms to fit into the specified space.

Keywords placement

For scaling up the position of your app in the search rankings, you should be well aware of the keywords appropriate for your business or app’s nature and typed by your targeted users for searching. It is then resourceful to strategically place the relevant keywords in the title and app’s illustration for better visibility in the store.

Play well with good screenshots

While the app icon is the first thing that impresses a user when searched in the store, the way screenshot is presented also leave a great influence on the intuitions of the users.  So, try presenting your screenshots in the finest manner and show off your best features.

Drive a lot of quality reviews

Another great way to amplify an app’s visibility in the app store is driving reviews and ratings from worldwide users and make it visible. This can be done, by implanting an in-app feature in the app that urges users to rate and review it as soon as they open it.  Few great reviews in the app store initially will boost the ranking, enhance its publicity and will eventually draw more users.

Choosing a correct category in the store

A likely overlooked aspect by the app owners, but is equally important for its visibility in the store. They need to consider a fitting category for launching their app when there are too many classified by the store. A relevant and meaningful category is essential for outpacing the competition and help them find the targeted audience sooner and augment conversions rate.

Needless to say, these are key tactics or algorithms of churning more downloads of your app soon after listing it in the store by making it more visible. If you too are considering to enter app’s market and get yourself prominently placed in the app stores, forget not to contact an experienced firm for app development which can help you out with both development and marketing aspects.
